Why We are praying??????????

In the homily in yesterday mass, The priest tackles about the “The Lords Prayer”.. The priest asked the people while we are praying The Lords Prayer, what comes in our mind? Let us say.  what is in the mind of the soldiers fighting in Basilan, maybe while they are praying it, they are also praying for their lives…

How about a commomn citizen, may be they are praying for a new gadget, for their crushes (for the teens)… In this point, Can we recognize our wants,from our needs? the life is really too hard nowadays.. Maybe before we think of ourself, we must think also “WHAT GOD WANTS TO HAPPEN IN MY LIFE” NOT WHAT I WANT IN MY LIFE…

It so easy to tell this things but this is the most challenging things to do? We are all “makamundo” but at the end of the day, you will think…. ‘AM I HAPPY ON WHAT I AM DOING’ …. We are all experiencing ttrials, but there is only one Kakampi, and that is HIM.. He always there, eventhough, we almost forgot all the graces He provided for us,

So the next time we pray The Lords Prayer… may we feel and live this lines “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven’… May GOD bless You…

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